The film industry drives tha major part of the entertainment industry. People used to go with their family and friends at weekends to watch their favorite movies. At present, things are a little changed because now people watch movies on Netflix. However, if there is hype of a movie in the country then people still visit cinemas to watch it. For instance, many times, people prefer to go out to watch remakes of the old movies.
Adding on, films play an important role in cultural exchange. You can portray your country’s culture in the movie. And by watching English movies, you can have know-how of European and Western culture. Likewise, by watching Turkish movies, you can have the idea that Turkish people don’t enter their houses with shoes. They have separate shoes that they use inside their home. That’s just an example to elaborate that films do help us learn about different cultural values.
Simply put, Film is a form of art. By this art, you not only entertain yourself, but you also learn different things. Moreover, people enjoy watching films in the language that they understand. Here is where film translation services come in.
Different Film Translation Means
Many films get world-wide recognition. And in order to make that happen, often companies hire journalism translation company to spread positive reviews, critique and discussion about the films.
Along with translation of discussion about movies in the media, wha plays a very important role in global success is films translation. Films are translated by using two or three modes. Usually for film, subtitling and dubbing are used whereas for TV shows, assistance of voiceovers is taken.
In selecting the film translation modes, you have to consider different factors like the means that are popular in the target audience, cost, and background of the film. Many times, cultural nuance is seen in an international context.
Most of the film translation services offer all modes of translation, including:
In this method, dialogue is translated into the language. They are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Subtitles are integrated with the emotions and actions that are shown in the film.
The report by Cees M. Koolstra, Allerd L. Peeters, and Herman Spinhof, concluded that the Netherlands is a country where people like subtitling. This method is also famous in Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg, Greece, Sweden and Portugal. Thus, subtitling is considered the best method for film translation in small countries.
In the dubbing process, the source text is altered so that it resonates with the local audience. Dubbing needs to be synchronized with dialogue and and movements of the actor. Moreover, by dubbing services, people can feel that the film is made in their native language.
People living in countries like Germany, France, Italy, and Spain like this technique in film translation. Moreover, these countries also use voiceovers to understand the films in a better way.
In many countries, political and censorship factors play an important role in deciding modes of film translation. For instance, from 1936 to 1975, Spain followed strict censorship of film imports. This was a time of civil war and Spain was making a political effort to prevent their citizens from the influence of any foreign language. To combat this situation, many film producers used dubbing to lock up the original script. In 1977, the censorship was finished. At present, Spain is still known to prefer dubbing. Therefore, all films in foreign languages are dubbed for Spanish viewers.
Nomination of Oscars Films
The Oscars is the award for film excellence. Do you know that movies that are nominated for this award require film translation services in different languages? Although the original version of the movie might be in English. The translation of the film into different languages also depends upon the target market and film distribution strategy.
To your surprise, in the 2020 Academy Awards, dubbing and subtitling have taken the lead. You must have heard about the award-winning South Korean film Parasite. This film became popular on all social media platforms. It was the first time in the film industry history that the film won all the awards like Best Global Film and Best Director. Moreover, it won the best original screenplay award. This is a Korean film with subtitles. This thing has proven many articles, posts, and tweets against subtitling wrong.
Do you know what is Film Journalism?
Let’s say you translated the film into the target language but that didn’t help much to promote your film on different platforms, What next? You will have to get assistance from film journalism. In this field, you need to write and discuss film stories and their reviews in media. It plays a pivotal role in the growth of the film industry because people get insights about new films and visit cinemas after reading film reviews on different platforms. To provide seamless information to the film viewers in a language that film viewers can understand, you must get assistance from a journalism translation company.
Wrapping Up
The film industry is dynamic. Different cultures in the world, like Chinese, Korean, and Indian are getting promoted in the world because of film translation. You can not only entertain yourself with movies but learn cultural and linguistic intricacies.