The Kenyan film ”Nairobi Half Life” is now available on the American streaming platform Netflix ten years after its release in theaters.
A success for the team and the national film industry. This is the movie that almost every Kenyan knows and it has just celebrated its 10th anniversary following its entry on Netflix.
With a standing ovation from the audience, the screening of the film ended with the crew celebrating its anniversary in Nairobi.
Today, Nairobi Half Life is frequently in emu. The film presents the story of Mwas, a young Kenyan who arrives in the capital with a dream of becoming an actor, but ends up spending his life between the boards and stealing cars.
Crime, youthful ambition and many other aspects of life in the Kenyan capital are depicted in this work.
It was an instant success when it was released in Kenya. “I remember when it first came out, it was trending on Twitter. The next day, theaters were sold out, and the day after and the day after that… The film stayed in theaters for almost seven months,” recalled the actor playing Cedric, Mugambu Nthiga.