iMessage on your iPhone has features that go beyond images and plain texting. There are hidden shortcuts and features, unveiling which can add efficiency and flair to your conversations. The app even has features to help stop unwanted iPhone users from messaging you.
For instance, if you do not want someone messaging you, you can block them and vice versa. You can block someone by tapping the number or name of the contact > tapping (i) Info > tapping info again > tapping Block This Caller > Block Contact. Once confirmed, this contact will be blocked from calling and messaging you, including FaceTime calls. It is also easy to check whether someone has blocked you. How do you know if someone blocked your number on iMessage? Tell-tale signs of someone blocking you are the ‘delivered’ badge not appearing and iMessage not getting delivered even as a message.
Besides blocking someone and knowing if you are blocked, here are other iMessage tricks you must know. Implement these to elevate your texting game.
- Turn on safety messaging
With iOS 15.2, Apple introduced Communication Safety. This was done to boost security measures and keep messaging safe, especially for kids. The functionality uses machine learning to assess image attachments and decide whether they are sexually explicit. The complete process occurs within the device and, therefore, does not affect one’s privacy. Simply put, Apple will not access your messaging data.
You can turn on Communication Safety to ensure it is safe for your kids to message their friends or relatives.
- Hide read receipts
When the read receipt is turned on, it lets the sender know you have seen their message. But you can hide this for all or for individual conversations.
Go to the Settings app > select Messages > Turn Off Send Read Receipts. This will turn read receipts off for everyone. But if you want to turn it off for individual conversations, go to the iMessage chat on the app > tap the person’s number or name > tap (i) info > Turn Off Send Read Receipts.
- Type bold letters
While WhatsApp lets you easily format text, iMessage doesn’t let you format texts into italics or bold that easily. However, there’s a quick workaround. If you want to send messages in bold, launch the Settings app on your iPhone > tap Messages > enable show subject field > open the Messages app and any conversation > enter the text in the subject field over the iMessage typing box. The message will be delivered in bold letters.
- Send pictures in full quality
Have you clicked an amazing picture? Do you want to send it to someone in full quality? You can do this by going to the Settings app > tapping Messages > scrolling to the bottom and turning off Low-quality Image Mode.
However, please note that this will increase Internet usage. If your data is running low, it is best to keep the Low-quality Image Mode setting on.
- Use screen and bubble effects
Do you want to add flair to your conversations? The messaging app has some of the exciting and coolest message effects, such as fireworks and laser light show effects. You can also create bubble effects to jazz up your messaging style.
- Send audio notes
You can send audio notes to your loved ones instead of typing a text. To do this, open a conversation > tap and hold the gray wave-like icon in the typing field > speak your message > send the voice note by leaving the touch and tapping the arrow icon.
- Share location
Do you want to share your location with your friend? You can do it via iMessage. To send your live location, open the Messages application and go to the desired conversation > tap the person’s name > tap the info icon > select Send My Current Location. Now, the person can see your live location on the map. You can choose how long you want to share the live location. It can be for an hour, 8 hours, or indefinitely.
Furthermore, you can share any location from the Apple Maps application. To do this, open Apple Maps > choose the location > tap Share > choose Message from the Share Sheet > type the contact name or number and tap the send arrow icon.
- Pin conversations to the top
If you are a heavy texter, some messages might get lost. It may become difficult for you to find the most important messages. One way to keep the important conversations on top is to pin them. Tap the pin icon by opening the Messages app and swiping right or left on a conversation.
The chosen conversation will stick on top and always appear in the same place. If you want to unpin the conversation, long-press the pinned conversation and tap Unpin.
These are some iMessage tricks to remember when using iMessage to message your near and dear ones on your iPhone.